Friday, January 17, 2025


The Sundarbans, the world's largest single-track mangrove forest, is located in the southern coast of Bangladesh and northeastern India.
There’s no denying that global warming has been one of the most alarming issues faced by the world
The Monarch, scientifically known as Danaus plexippus is widespread in the conterminous United States and in southern Canada. One of the most recently studied species is the monarch butterfly and also candidate species for protection from the Endangered Species Act of the United States
Takahē (Porphyrio hochstetteri), also known as the South Island Takahē or Notorious, is the largest living species of the rail family in the world and also indigenous to New Zealand
Even before the COVID-19 pandemic has taken over the global news, the bushfire in New South Wales in February took our attention as it claimed lives, destroyed homes, and displaced many animals.
Ants are social insects and the usual condition of the insect societies is that the colony is a cohesive unit with some degree of genetic integrity. The colony develops the ability to distinguish all its colonial members
The Pando is also known as the trembling giant, a tree colony in Utah, and is actually a single species. Above the ground, the Pando looks like a single tree, but underground trees are interconnected by a single and large root system and are genetically identical.
World Environment Day (WED) is celebrated on the 5th of June every year, and is the United Nations' main means of protecting and protecting our environment.
The Hainan gibbon is considered as the world’s rarest ape and one of the world’s rarest mammals with only 28 individuals remaining in the world now.
Bees are one of the most fascinating and vital beings that inhabit the globe. They are social beings who live in communities and have well differentiated functions between the three hierarchies of their society.


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