The 10 Rarest Animals in the World


If you take it from some researchers, there are, give or take, 8.7 million different species living on the planet, Out of these, lots of animals are going to extinct day by day. Here are the 10 rarest animals in the world.

1. The Amur Leopard

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The Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis) also known as the Far East leopard, the Manchurian leopard or the Korean leopard is a leopard subspecies native to the Primorye region of southeastern Russia and northern China. In 2007 only 19- 26 wild leopards were estimated and the Amur leopard is listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. , in 2019 it was reported that the population is close to 90 leopards.

This critically endangered leopard has ability to run up to 37 miles per hour. This incredible animal has been reported to leap more than 19 feet horizontally and up to 10 feet vertically. They live for 10-15 years, and in captivity up to 20 years.

2. The Hooded Grebe

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The hooded grebe (Podiceps gallardoi), which discovered in 1974 is a medium-sized grebe found in the southern region of Argentina. Since it’s discovery their population decline by 95 percent due to climate change and invasive predators. Coupled with a low reproductive rate, this distinct animal is now on the verge of disappearing, with only about 800 members left.

3. The Philippine Eagle

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The Philippine Eagle is an endangered species of eagle of the family Accipitridae which is endemic to forests in the Philippines. It is considered the largest of the extant eagles in the world in terms of length and wing surface. The Philippine eagle (Pithecophaga jefferyi), also known as the monkey-eating eagle or great Philippine eagle. It has brown and white-coloured plumage, a shaggy crest, and generally measures 86 to 102 cm (2.82 to 3.35 ft) in length and weighs 4.04 to 8.0 kg (8.9 to 17.6 lb).

The Philippine Eagle  being named the National Bird of the Philippines, however, this eagle has faced serious population pressures in the past 40 years due to deforestation and severe weather, leaving them with a population under 300.

4. The Pygmy Three-Toed Sloth

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Known for being extremely slow—some might say “lazy”—the pygmy three-toed sloth can only be found on an island off of Panama. In addition, they only leave their homes in the canopy of the trees in order to defecate, an activity which they can go almost a week without doing. And, due to environmental changes, the sloth is even more hard-to-find than usual: experts place its population at under 100, and shrinking.

5. The White-Winged Flufftail

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The white-winged flufftail is a tiny bird—only growing to be between 14 to 15 centimeters on average—that can only be found in the highland marshes of Ethiopia. Unfortunately, due to the grazing of livestock on their native lands, as well as the drainage of local marshes, their population has dipped significantly from its already-rare levels, currently being estimated at around 700 worldwide.

6. Golden Tabby Tiger

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This type of rare tiger is only found in captivity.  The coloring is a result of a recessive gene, and sometimes the Golden Tabby is also called the Strawberry Tiger.  These types of tigers have a Bengal parentage, but generally have Amur tiger in their lineage somewhere.  This type of tiger has been in existence as far back as the early 1900s, and their occurrence is strangely tied to areas with a heavy concentration of clay in the soil.  There are less than 30 of these tigers known in existence. Entertainment  features

7. The Hirola

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The hirola—so named because of a small Somali community which has given the species refuge and considered it a spiritual being—is among the world’s rarest antelope. With distinctive dark glands under their eyes—appearing as if they need sleep—the hirola is also often referred to as the “four eyed antelope.” While they were once common in East Africa, drought, poaching, and habitat loss has shrunk their numbers to around 400—and the population is still rapidly in decline.

8. The Cebu Flowerpecker

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The Cebu Flowerpecker gets its name from the colorful plumage that males exhibit, which includes blue, red, yellow, and white. While thought to be extinct in 1990 due to the almost complete destruction of its habitat, the Flowerpecker was spotted again in 1992. Though its numbers remain extremely small—estimates put them between 60 and 70 members of the species overall—the Flowerpecker can still be searched for on the remote island of Cebu in the Philippines.

9. Red Wolf

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The Red Wolf is a cousin to the Gray Wolf.  The Red Wolf was actually deemed extinct in the wild in 1980.  There were, luckily, some Red Wolves were still in captivity, twenty to be exact.  Wildlife conservationists increased the number of Red Wolves in captivity to 207, and today there are about 100 living in the wild.  A success story, yes, but the factors that caused the Red Wolf to become so endangered are still present today, in that their hunting ground has been severely depleted.  Luckily, there are wildlife preserves that allow these wolves to live in their natural habitat, though protected from urban sprawl.

10. Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat

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This cute critter, considered one of the rarest large mammals in the world, is on the Critically Endangered list.  Over 39 inches long, the Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombat is a shade larger than normal wombats, and are able to breed faster, though that has not improved their Critically Endangered status.  These vision-impaired marsupials inhabit a mere 750 acre space in Epping Forest in Queensland, except for a second colony (recently established) that lives in a predator-protected refuge in St. George.  Currently there are only about 130 Northern Hairy-Nosed Wombats alive.

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